
Single Trip

Annual Multi Trip

The table below is a summary of cover and shows the maximum amounts payable under each section per person. For the full terms and conditions please read our Product Disclosure Statement.




Premier Plus

Overseas Medical Expenses

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury, illness or death during your trip in respect of:-

  • emergency medical, surgical and hospital treatment and transportation.
  • repatriation to your normal country of residence including air ambulance.
  • emergency dental treatment to natural teeth
  • additional travel and accommodation expenses to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned.
  • additional travel and accommodation expenses for:
    1. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home; or
    2. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home
  • returning your remains to your home or a funeral in the country where you died.

Emergency dental: Necessary and reasonable costs incurred following an infection or broken tooth and which the treating dentist certifies in writing is solely required for the immediate relief of sudden and acute onset of pain to healthy, natural teeth.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Overseas Emergency Medical and Assistance expenses must be incurred within 12 consecutive months from the date the first expense was incurred.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Overseas Emergency Repatriation / Evacuation

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury, illness or death during your trip in respect of:-

  • emergency medical transportation
  • repatriation to your normal country of residence including air ambulance.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Additional Expenses - International

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury or illness during your trip in respect of:-

  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned.
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses where it is not medically necessary for you to return home but where you are certified medically unfit to travel and/or continue your trip as orginally planned.
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses for:
    1. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home; or
    2. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Additional Expenses - within Australia

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury or illness during your trip in respect of:-

  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned.
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses where it is not medically necessary for you to return home but where you are certified medically unfit to travel and/or continue your trip as orginally planned.
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses for:
    1. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home; or
    2. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance

24/7 Emergency Assistance required as a result of your bodily injury, illness or death during your trip in respect of:-

  • emergency medical, surgical and hospital treatment and transportation.
  • repatriation to your normal country of residence including air ambulance
  • emergency dental treatment to natural teeth
  • additional travel and accommodation expenses to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned.
  • additional travel and accommodation expenses for:
    1. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home; or
    2. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home
  • returning your remains to your home or a funeral in the country where you died.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Cancellation Fees, Lost Deposits & Curtailment

Costs following the cancellation or curtailment (cutting short) of your trip due to illness, injury, death, jury service, witness call, pregnancy or redundancy.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Emergency Dental Treatment

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred following an infection or broken tooth and which the treating dentist certifies in writing is solely required for the immediate relief of sudden and acute onset of pain to healthy, natural teeth.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Personal Liability

We will pay costs incurred if you are held legally liable for causing:

  • accidental bodily injury to someone else, and/or
  • accidental loss or damage to someone elses property, including your temporary holiday accommodation and its contents.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Baggage & Personal Effects

Cover for loss, theft or damage to:

  • Your personal effects
  • Your valuables

Valuables includes items such as mobile phones, spectacles and sunglasses. The valuables limit per person depends on which level of cover you take out. 

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Total limit for valuables
Limit each camera, video camera, laptop, notebook or hand held computer
Emergency Purchases

We will reimburse you up to the amount shown in respect of emergency purchases for the reasonable cost of buying immediate necessities if your baggage is lost, misdirected or misplaced by a travel carrier for at least 24 hours on an outward leg of your trip. 

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Missed departure / connection

We will pay for necessary additional accommodation and travel expenses that you incur in reaching your destination if you arrive at any departure point shown on your pre-booked itinerary too late to board the public transport on which you are booked to travel as a result of:

  • the failure of public transport, or
  • a road traffic accident or vehicle breakdown delaying the vehicle in which you are travelling

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Personal money, travel tickets & passport

Cover for

  • loss or theft of personal money.
  • loss, theft or damage to Passport or Visas in respect of the cost of emergency replacement or temporary passport or visas obtained whilst abroad including reasonable travelling and additional accommodation expenses to obtain same.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


You are covered for the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for cash, bank notes, currency notes, postal orders or money orders stolen from your person or lost following forcible entry to a hotel safe during your journey.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


Legal advice & expenses

Cover for legal fees and expenses incurred with your lawyer in pursuit of a claim for compensation or damages from a third party who causes your death or bodily injury or illness during your trip.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Travel Delay

Cover if the departure of the public transport on which you are booked to travel is delayed by at least 12 hours.

However, if your departure is delayed for more than 36 hours and you choose to abandon your trip in its entirety, you are covered for the irrecoverable cost of the trip, up to the maximum claimable under the cancellation and curtailment section.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Abandonment of trip

Cover if the departure of the public transport on which you are booked to travel is delayed by at least 12 hours.

However, if your departure is delayed for more than 36 hours and you choose to abandon your trip in its entirety, you are covered for the irrecoverable cost of the trip, up to the maximum claimable under the cancellation and curtailment section.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Accidental Death / Disability Benefit

Cover if you have an Accident whilst you are on your trip and which is the sole and independent cause of your death, Permanent Total Disablement, Loss of Sight or Loss of Limb(s) within 12 months of the Accident.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Hospital Cash

You are covered if you are receiving in-patient hospital treatment in a country outside of your normal country of residence for more than 48 hours for a benefit payment of $150 for the subsequent 24 hour period and a further $150 for each subsequent and complete 24 hour period up to the maximum shown in the Schedule of Cover. This benefit is only available where your claim has been accepted under section 2 (Medical and Assistance) of this policy.

You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. any claim which is excluded under the Exclusions applicable to section 2 or where you have not complied with relevant policy conditions.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


Hijack Benefit

Cover for each full 24-hour period that the aircraft or sea vessel in which you are travelling is hijacked on the original pre-booked outward or return journey for a period in excess of 24 hours.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Car Rental Excess Waiver

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for reimbursement of car rental insurance excess or the cost of repairing the rental car, whichever is the lower amount, if you rent a car from a rental company and it is involved in a motor car accident whilst you are the driver or it is stolen during the journey. You must provide a copy of the repair account and/or quotation.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Catastrophe cover

Cover in respect of necessary and reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses incurred in the event that you are forced to move from pre-booked accommodation to continue your trip, or if the trip cannot be continued, to return home as a result of:

  • fire, lightning or explosion rendering your pre-booked accommodation uninhabitable.
  • local medical epidemic or directive from the responsible Government or local authority directly affecting the area where your pre-booked accommodation is located.
  • hurricane, storm or other natural disaster that threatens your safety such that official evacuation orders are issued or that your pre-booked accommodation is rendered uninhabitable.
  • Civil unrest, rebellion or war directly affecting the area where you are.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Search & rescue expenses

Costs necessarily and reasonably incurred by official local search and rescue organisations in the locality in which you are in as a result of their

  • searching for you;
  • rescuing you;
  • recovering you if you are missing or if you have suffered a serious accident.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Resumption of trip

Cost of flights purchased to resume your trip if during the period of insurance:

  • you are repatriated to your normal country of residence under the provisions of this policy; or
  • you have to curtail your trip due to the death, severe injury or serious illness of your travelling companion insured by Us or a close relative of yours resident in your normal country of residence and for which section 1 of this policy responds.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Travel carrier insolvency

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover due to the insolvency of a Travel Carrier with which you are booked to travel:

  •  ​​​​​​​​​​​The value of the unused arrangements, less any refunds due to you if you have to cancel any prepaid transport or accommodation arrangements with organisations not related to the failed Travel Carrier or at the choice of Underwriters.
  • The reasonable cost of rearranging your Trip prior to and after the commencement of your trip, provided that this cost is not greater than the cancellation fees or lost deposits which would have been incurred had the Trip been cancelled.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Special events

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover if your Trip is interrupted by any fortuitous cause outside your control and you are unable to arrive at your destination using your pre-booked travel arrangements in time to attend a pre-arranged wedding, funeral, conference, or sporting event which cannot be delayed as a consequence of your late arrival. We will reimburse you for the reasonable additional cost of using alternative public transport to arrive at the destination on time.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Withdrawal of services

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover if the unforeseeable withdrawal of any of the following services occurs for 48 hours continuously during your Trip at the pre-booked accommodation at which you are staying:

  • all water and electrical facilities in your room;
  • waiter services at pre-booked meals;
  • kitchen services so that no pre-booked meals are served;
  • domestic services.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


Domestic services

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for any reasonable domestic services provided by a registered domestic service business up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover if you have been repatriated to your normal country of residence under the terms of Section 2 hereon and your Illness or Bodily Injury restricts your ability to perform your normal domestic duties. These reasonable domestic services and costs must be approved by our nominated claims adjusters.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Private home nursing

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for reasonable costs of private home nursing performed by a Qualified Nurse immediately following eligible in-patient medical treatment as a result of suffering an illness/bodily injury during the Trip and for which you required medical intervention resulting in a claim being paid under Section 2 hereon. This benefit is only available for nursing on medical recommendation which takes place in your home. It is payable only when all the charges are reasonable and necessary, and are exclusively for exercising nursing skills of a nature which only Qualified Nurses are capable of providing, and must immediately result from medical treatment for bodily injury or illness which has been the subject of a valid claim under Section 2.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


When you submit a claim under certain sections you will have to pay an excess. An excess is the first amount payable in the event of a loss and so is the uninsured portion of your loss. This excess helps to prevent minor claims and it also deters fraudulent claims. It therefore helps to keep our premiums as low as possible.


The table below is a summary of cover and shows the maximum amounts payable under each section per person. For the full terms and conditions please read our Product Disclosure Statement.




Premier Plus

Overseas Medical Expenses

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury, illness or death during your trip in respect of:-

  • emergency medical, surgical and hospital treatment and transportation.
  • repatriation to your normal country of residence including air ambulance.
  • emergency dental treatment to natural teeth
  • additional travel and accommodation expenses to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned.
  • additional travel and accommodation expenses for:
    1. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home; or
    2. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home
  • returning your remains to your home or a funeral in the country where you died.

Emergency dental: Necessary and reasonable costs incurred following an infection or broken tooth and which the treating dentist certifies in writing is solely required for the immediate relief of sudden and acute onset of pain to healthy, natural teeth.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Overseas Emergency Medical and Assistance expenses must be incurred within 12 consecutive months from the date the first expense was incurred.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Overseas Emergency Repatriation / Evacuation

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury, illness or death during your trip in respect of:-

  • emergency medical transportation
  • repatriation to your normal country of residence including air ambulance.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Additional Expenses - International

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury or illness during your trip in respect of:-

  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned.
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses where it is not medically necessary for you to return home but where you are certified medically unfit to travel and/or continue your trip as orginally planned.
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses for:
    1. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home; or
    2. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Additional Expenses - within Australia

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred as a result of your bodily injury or illness during your trip in respect of:-

  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned.
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses where it is not medically necessary for you to return home but where you are certified medically unfit to travel and/or continue your trip as orginally planned.
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses for:
    1. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home; or
    2. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance

24/7 Emergency Assistance required as a result of your bodily injury, illness or death during your trip in respect of:-

  • emergency medical, surgical and hospital treatment and transportation.
  • repatriation to your normal country of residence including air ambulance
  • emergency dental treatment to natural teeth
  • additional travel and accommodation expenses to enable you to return home if you are unable to continue your trip as originally planned.
  • additional travel and accommodation expenses for:
    1. a travelling companion to stay with you and accompany you home; or
    2. a relative or friend to travel from your normal country of residence to stay with you and accompany you home
  • returning your remains to your home or a funeral in the country where you died.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Cancellation Fees, Lost Deposits & Curtailment

Costs following the cancellation or curtailment (cutting short) of your trip due to illness, injury, death, jury service, witness call, pregnancy or redundancy.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Emergency Dental Treatment

Necessary and reasonable costs incurred following an infection or broken tooth and which the treating dentist certifies in writing is solely required for the immediate relief of sudden and acute onset of pain to healthy, natural teeth.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Personal Liability

We will pay costs incurred if you are held legally liable for causing:

  • accidental bodily injury to someone else, and/or
  • accidental loss or damage to someone elses property, including your temporary holiday accommodation and its contents.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Baggage & Personal Effects

Cover for loss, theft or damage to:

  • Your personal effects
  • Your valuables

Valuables includes items such as mobile phones, spectacles and sunglasses. The valuables limit per person depends on which level of cover you take out. 

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Total limit for valuables
Limit each camera, video camera, laptop, notebook or hand held computer
Emergency Purchases

We will reimburse you up to the amount shown in respect of emergency purchases for the reasonable cost of buying immediate necessities if your baggage is lost, misdirected or misplaced by a travel carrier for at least 24 hours on an outward leg of your trip. 

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Missed departure / connection

We will pay for necessary additional accommodation and travel expenses that you incur in reaching your destination if you arrive at any departure point shown on your pre-booked itinerary too late to board the public transport on which you are booked to travel as a result of:

  • the failure of public transport, or
  • a road traffic accident or vehicle breakdown delaying the vehicle in which you are travelling

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Personal money, travel tickets & passport

Cover for

  • loss or theft of personal money.
  • loss, theft or damage to Passport or Visas in respect of the cost of emergency replacement or temporary passport or visas obtained whilst abroad including reasonable travelling and additional accommodation expenses to obtain same.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


You are covered for the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for cash, bank notes, currency notes, postal orders or money orders stolen from your person or lost following forcible entry to a hotel safe during your journey.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


Legal advice & expenses

Cover for legal fees and expenses incurred with your lawyer in pursuit of a claim for compensation or damages from a third party who causes your death or bodily injury or illness during your trip.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Travel Delay

Cover if the departure of the public transport on which you are booked to travel is delayed by at least 12 hours.

However, if your departure is delayed for more than 36 hours and you choose to abandon your trip in its entirety, you are covered for the irrecoverable cost of the trip, up to the maximum claimable under the cancellation and curtailment section.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Abandonment of trip

Cover if the departure of the public transport on which you are booked to travel is delayed by at least 12 hours.

However, if your departure is delayed for more than 36 hours and you choose to abandon your trip in its entirety, you are covered for the irrecoverable cost of the trip, up to the maximum claimable under the cancellation and curtailment section.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Accidental Death / Disability Benefit

Cover if you have an Accident whilst you are on your trip and which is the sole and independent cause of your death, Permanent Total Disablement, Loss of Sight or Loss of Limb(s) within 12 months of the Accident.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Hospital Cash

You are covered if you are receiving in-patient hospital treatment in a country outside of your normal country of residence for more than 48 hours for a benefit payment of $150 for the subsequent 24 hour period and a further $150 for each subsequent and complete 24 hour period up to the maximum shown in the Schedule of Cover. This benefit is only available where your claim has been accepted under section 2 (Medical and Assistance) of this policy.

You are not covered for
a. any claim which is excluded under the General Exclusions applicable to this policy.
b. any claim which is excluded under the Exclusions applicable to section 2 or where you have not complied with relevant policy conditions.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


Hijack Benefit

Cover for each full 24-hour period that the aircraft or sea vessel in which you are travelling is hijacked on the original pre-booked outward or return journey for a period in excess of 24 hours.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Car Rental Excess Waiver

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for reimbursement of car rental insurance excess or the cost of repairing the rental car, whichever is the lower amount, if you rent a car from a rental company and it is involved in a motor car accident whilst you are the driver or it is stolen during the journey. You must provide a copy of the repair account and/or quotation.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Catastrophe cover

Cover in respect of necessary and reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses incurred in the event that you are forced to move from pre-booked accommodation to continue your trip, or if the trip cannot be continued, to return home as a result of:

  • fire, lightning or explosion rendering your pre-booked accommodation uninhabitable.
  • local medical epidemic or directive from the responsible Government or local authority directly affecting the area where your pre-booked accommodation is located.
  • hurricane, storm or other natural disaster that threatens your safety such that official evacuation orders are issued or that your pre-booked accommodation is rendered uninhabitable.
  • Civil unrest, rebellion or war directly affecting the area where you are.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Search & rescue expenses

Costs necessarily and reasonably incurred by official local search and rescue organisations in the locality in which you are in as a result of their

  • searching for you;
  • rescuing you;
  • recovering you if you are missing or if you have suffered a serious accident.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Resumption of trip

Cost of flights purchased to resume your trip if during the period of insurance:

  • you are repatriated to your normal country of residence under the provisions of this policy; or
  • you have to curtail your trip due to the death, severe injury or serious illness of your travelling companion insured by Us or a close relative of yours resident in your normal country of residence and for which section 1 of this policy responds.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Travel carrier insolvency

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover due to the insolvency of a Travel Carrier with which you are booked to travel:

  •  ​​​​​​​​​​​The value of the unused arrangements, less any refunds due to you if you have to cancel any prepaid transport or accommodation arrangements with organisations not related to the failed Travel Carrier or at the choice of Underwriters.
  • The reasonable cost of rearranging your Trip prior to and after the commencement of your trip, provided that this cost is not greater than the cancellation fees or lost deposits which would have been incurred had the Trip been cancelled.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Special events

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover if your Trip is interrupted by any fortuitous cause outside your control and you are unable to arrive at your destination using your pre-booked travel arrangements in time to attend a pre-arranged wedding, funeral, conference, or sporting event which cannot be delayed as a consequence of your late arrival. We will reimburse you for the reasonable additional cost of using alternative public transport to arrive at the destination on time.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Withdrawal of services

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover if the unforeseeable withdrawal of any of the following services occurs for 48 hours continuously during your Trip at the pre-booked accommodation at which you are staying:

  • all water and electrical facilities in your room;
  • waiter services at pre-booked meals;
  • kitchen services so that no pre-booked meals are served;
  • domestic services.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


Domestic services

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for any reasonable domestic services provided by a registered domestic service business up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover if you have been repatriated to your normal country of residence under the terms of Section 2 hereon and your Illness or Bodily Injury restricts your ability to perform your normal domestic duties. These reasonable domestic services and costs must be approved by our nominated claims adjusters.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.

Private home nursing

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for reasonable costs of private home nursing performed by a Qualified Nurse immediately following eligible in-patient medical treatment as a result of suffering an illness/bodily injury during the Trip and for which you required medical intervention resulting in a claim being paid under Section 2 hereon. This benefit is only available for nursing on medical recommendation which takes place in your home. It is payable only when all the charges are reasonable and necessary, and are exclusively for exercising nursing skills of a nature which only Qualified Nurses are capable of providing, and must immediately result from medical treatment for bodily injury or illness which has been the subject of a valid claim under Section 2.

This is a summary of cover. For full details of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement.


When you submit a claim under certain sections you will have to pay an excess. An excess is the first amount payable in the event of a loss and so is the uninsured portion of your loss. This excess helps to prevent minor claims and it also deters fraudulent claims. It therefore helps to keep our premiums as low as possible.


  • Love this company

    I have used Travel insuranz for all my trips & thankfully I have only ever had to use them once and everything went smoothly, I can’t recommend you enough. Thank you for having my back whilst traveling!

  • My Boyfriend Got His Phone Replaced Quick and Easy!

    My boyfriend got his phone stolen in Barcelona and Travel Insuranz paid him for it quite quickly - within a week or two from memory! Very happy with the service and response. Thanks!

  • Very Cheap but comprehensive enough

    Good value for money. The website was very easy to navigate. I will surely keep an eye on this company for future use and would recommend it to my relatives and friends.

  • Awesome Company!

    Really good value for money. Amendable snow sports cover periods. Have yet to claim and hope I never have to. All communication with the customer service team arranging cover while Overseas has been exemplary.

  • Simple, straightforward policies

    Easy policy to understand and simple process to purchase. This is my second trip with this company, and I won't use anyone else. Customer service is excellent when making a claim. Fast claims resolution.

  • Easy as!!!

    Very easy to set up. first time user for a trip in 2020. price is very competitive with excellent cover. Looking forward to travelling and hoping NOT to use our insurance but knowing we have good cover is great peace of mind.

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